Thursday, March 1, 2007

18" doll Headband

This works for any 18" doll I think. I used it to fix my daughters dolls hair. She had cut if a few years ago and I decided to hold off on fixing her hair until, she had learned NOT to cut her dolls hair. There ended up being a bald patch right in front. So of course I HAD to hide it! LOL!

18 Inch Doll Headband:
Using worsted weight 4 ply
Size H hook

row 1: Ch 2, sc in second loop from hook.

row 2: Ch 1, 2 sc in sc

row 3: Ch 1, (first sc made) sc in fist sc, 2 sc in next sc.

row 4: Ch 1, (first sc made), skip first sc, sc in each stich across : 4 sc including first chain.

Rows 5-25: repeat row 4.

row 26: ch 1, decrease over first 2 sc, decrease over next two sc. :2 stitches

row 27: ch 1, decrease over the 2 stitiches.

chain 20 stitches. Check to see if it is a snug fit. If it is slip stitch to row 1. If it isn't, pull out a stitch or two to make it snug and slip stich to row 1. FINISH OFF.

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